A tooth model of perfectly straight teeth on a dark background

Our Patented Technology

Our Patented Technology

How The Skarin System is different

5 min read
  • Faster Treatment Speed

    Our technology straightens teeth months faster than aligners and braces systems.

  • Moves Teeth Independently

    The Skarin System is the first of its kind to move teeth completely independently of one another without moving adjacent teeth. This means much less pain and much faster treatment speed.

  • Painfree... Almost!

    Aligners and braces systems utilize heavy intermittent forces to move teeth. Instead, our device applies a gentle more continuous force, which our patients say they can barely even feel.

  • Eliminates the "Cycle of Pain"

    Since we use a lighter, more continuous force on the teeth, we do not have the same heavy and immediate forces on the teeth that are caused by retightening of braces or snapping in each new aligner tray.

  • Fewer Doctor Appointments

    We do not have the same limitations as aligners or brackets. As such, we do not require the same appointment schedule, and can increase the interval between adjustment appointments.

  • Aesthetic

    The Skarin System offers similar aesthetic advantages as clear aligners and tooth colored bracket systems, which makes treatment barely noticeable by others.

  • Built-in 'Shock Absorption' System

    The mechanics of our device minimizes breakage and allows the teeth and supporting structures to respond more normally to potentially damaging biting forces.

Doctor Advantages, Patient Advantages

Doctor Advantages, Patient Advantages

Faster, gentler, and better healthcare for you

Treatment in one month, versus many months

The words "ground-breaking" and "revolutionary" really do not have the same meaning as they once did. We understand. There is so much marketing in today's day and age that it is almost impossible to differentiate the geniune from mere hype. The truth of the matter is, the reason why our advantages are so significant is not because we built an improved orthodontic device to straighten teeth. This it not a new aligner or a new bracket, this is a completely new way of moving teeth that does not use the same mechanics of orthodontics that have been assumed by braces and aligners for the last 100 years. We like to think of this as the biggest advancement in orthodontic technology in over 100 years because it breaks away from how teeth have traditionally been moved. Dr. Skarin invented a completely different technique for moving teeth that not only overcomes the current limitations of orthodontic technology, but it truly revolutionizes how teeth can be moved.

Most of the terms we just used above are concerns that orthodontists have to consider when treating a case with aligners or braces. Conversely, Skarin System does not have these limitations. There are many more significant and technical orthodontic advantages for the doctor we could list here, but as a patient, what all of this means to you is that you can enjoy significantly faster treatment speed, higher accuracy, fewer appointments, and better healthcare for both patients and doctors.

How much faster is The Skarin System?

A lot faster

Allow us to show you

This is two weeks of actual tooth movement

At 133x scale

How much faster is The Skarin System?

A lot faster

Allow us to show you

This is two weeks of actual tooth movement

At 133x scale


Aligner movement speed
Highlighting the movement speed of only 0.3mm
Only moves 0.3mm every two weeks

The Skarin System

Aligner movement speed
Highlighting the movement speed of only 0.3mm
Only moves 0.3mm every two weeks

What Does the Graph Above Mean?

What Does the Graph Above Mean?

How mechanics determine speed of treatment

The graph above shows the movement speed of our device compared to aligners. Teeth move at very small increments that are hard to see on the screen, so these lines are a blown up version of the speed of movement at a scale of 133x. We want to reiterate, these are actual rates of tooth movement.

Comparing movement speed is always difficult because it is not an exact science. This is also why marketing for different devices is so difficult to understand nowadays. Seemingly every device is faster than the other, and others use other studies to try to substantiate their own methodology of testing for speed.

For us, we want to be as upfront and as objectively honest as we can possibly be. We are very proud of what we are offering, but more importantly, we want our patients to understand orthodontics on a more technical level. This way, orthodontic healthcare for everyone not only increases, but it also further substantiates our technology.

As to the graphs above, our measure of speed is objectively measured by mechanics. The graph states that in two weeks "aligners move 0.3mm max." What we mean by this, is that aligners are made from a clear plastic material that has a known range of material deflection before it permanently deforms of 0.2-.0.3 mm, depending on the company and their proprietary acrylic materials. What this means is the teeth can only move as far as that material can deflect and force the teeth back to the original, un-deformed or passive position of the tray. This distance was readily available by asking the various sales teams who were happy to answer.

Treatment in one month, versus many months
Our movement mechanics shave months off of treatment time

For The Skarin System, we are not limited by the flex of a clear aligner material. We are able to determine through accurate, superimposed photographs what distances the teeth move over a known period of time. Knowing the distance moved over time will determine rate, and is conservatively compared to the known rate of aligners to compare treatment times.As previously stated, the Skarin System can move teeth up to 5 times that of aligners.

*AN IMPORTANT POINT* - even if the rate of movement was exactly the same, the significantly lighter continuous forces placed on the teeth in the Skarin System are far safer, more easily tolerated than any aligner system can hope to duplicate. This is how we can state a measurement of 1.5mm max and ultimately make the claim that our movement speed is up to 5x faster than aligners.

Even for cases that require small adjustments for alignment, this principle would still hold true. The Skarin System accomplishes this task up to five times faster than aligners. Moreover, treatment will be accomplished with a gentle force on the teeth that our patients say they can barely feel. Patients often describe the force as "pressure" but without any soreness or pain.

If you are interested in learning a bit more about the technical aspects, here is Dr. David Skarin to explain a bit more about How Skarin System Works.

That all sounds great... but also really complicated

That all sounds great... but also really complicated

We understand. It is complicated. Even for orthodontists.

A student standing in front of a complicated math equation

If you are a bit confused or overwhelmed, we understand! We have shown our device to other orthodontists, and they do not immediately understand how differently the mechanics of the Skarin System work since we all have been trained to move teeth using systems and principles developed and taught years ago. The truth of the matter is that what we offer is groundbreaking and exceptional (here are the results), but it works in a way that people do not initially expect.

We created this chart to help you go through the technical details of how our device compares on a technical level. We always strive to give more detail. We know it takes more time on your part, but we truly do believe that the best way to understand our device is by understanding more about how the traditional treatments work.

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